Monday, April 21, 2014

I do so well as ADC sometimes, but my team is so incredibly inadequate.

So... if you follow my page on Facebook, you'll know that I have been maining the role of ADC for the last week or so... and I've been doing very, VERY good. Enough so, that my team should be winning every single time...

But guess what?

No. They don't win. In fact, most of my "good" ADC games have encountered a loss, because the rest of the team can't handle their lanes and ultimately feed. It makes me frustrated at the fact that I really can't have a good game. Not to the point where I insult others, but to the point where I'll make a blog post about it.

Look at this! 3 out the last 5 games were losses, and it couldn't have been my fault. Not try to sound egotistical, but I did the most for the team, did the most to win the game, but it just never worked out.

Now, I understand that a person may not understand a lane, or a champion. BUT YOU'RE LEVEL 30! Act like it. Try your champions before you attempt PvP, don't just waltz in without a clue of how your champion is supposed to play.

Also, there is a fact of wandering the jungle alone during mid-late game. Please, stay with the team. Most fights carried on after mid-game revolve around team fights, not solo/duo fights in lane. Not only do you run the risk of becoming free gold to the enemy team, but you're not helping your team when they get attacked. This can be very detrimental to the team dynamic and could lead to some nasty counter-effects.

Finally, chasing after enemies who are low, despite the fact that there is still an enemy team present. Just recently, we engaged in a team fight, in which both of our tanks, Alistar and Warwick decided to chase a Ezreal who decided to retreat at a fourth of his HP, leaving me and Zed alone to fight the other 4 members of the team, who had almost full life bars.

Now there are times where mistakes are made, and I can understand that. However, you're supposed to learn from them, not continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you disregard advice given to you politely (no flaming or hate), perhaps, try and follow it. It might improve your skills as a player and it'll make you much more humble in the near future...

Anyways... sorry about this rant... had to get this off my chest... cause yeah.


Signing out!

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