Well, with a couple changes to my build. I've decided to shell out a little bit more for a more powerful graphics card, one that should last me for a couple years. In fact, depending on the circumstances, I may get the 780 Ti for added reassurance. In addition, I switched out the RAM considering that the one I had was not compatible with the CPU, the RAM is now more powerful and from a more trusted brand. The PSU was also switched to Corsair because I trust them more than Thermaltake.
Finally, I added a small bit of extra cooling for my processor in the form of a liquid cool. This should help me be able to overclock a small bit to enhance the computer a small bit.
Anyways, here is the updated build:
As you can see, the price has increased a good $400 dollars. |
As I've said in the last post, this is not a final decision, as something else may become available in the future.
Signing out,
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